Leading Construction Lawyers International Alliance

Thought Leadership Library

Jul 24, 2024

Jerry P. Brodsky, partner and director of Peckar & Abramson’s Latin American practice and partners Denis Serkin and Michael S. Zicherman, served as exclusive contributing editors and authors of Lexology’s Panoramic: Construction 2025 – US and Global guide. This guide, formerly known as Getting the Deal Through, provides a comprehensive international expert analysis in key […]

Jun 26, 2023

Lexology‘s Getting the Deal Through – Construction 2024, provides members of the construction industry, and construction-related legal, and business providers with international expert analysis in key areas of law, practice, and regulation. Peckar & Abramson’s Jerry P. Brodsky and Michael S. Zicherman served as co-editors and contributing co-authors for the book’s Global Overview (the introduction […]

Jul 19, 2022

Lexology’s Getting The Deal Through – Construction 2023 provides members of the construction industry, construction-related legal, and business providers with international expert analysis in key areas of law, practice, and regulation. Peckar & Abramson’s Robert Peckar and Michael Zicherman are the book’s contributing editors and the authors of the Global Overview (the introduction to the […]

Mar 16, 2022

LCL Alliance members François Muller, a partner with ADVANT Altana and Guillaume Sauvaget, a partner with PS Consulting, discuss the versatility of dispute boards in the short video below.

Jan 27, 2022

Peckar & Abramson partner Michael S. Zicherman is the author of the United States chapter of Mondaq‘s “Construction Comparative Guide.” The Guide provides an overview of some of the key points of construction law and practice and allows readers to compare regulatory environments and laws across multiple jurisdictions including Australia, Canada, Denmark, Ghana, India, Indonesia, […]

Sep 21, 2021

While the principle of equality of the parties is recognized as the cornerstone of a fair trial and proclaimed in domestic law, as well as in international law, in the context of trial, it is much less easy to apply and define in arbitration law. This article provides a wider view in French.

Jul 16, 2021

This article on pages 11-15 discusses dispute boards for French government procurement personnel and how they function as an alternative to litigation.

Jul 14, 2021

Lexology’s Getting The Deal Through – Construction 2022 provides members of the construction industry and construction related legal and business providers with special insight into key industry issues in 22 jurisdictions worldwide. Peckar & Abramson’s Robert Peckar and Michael Zicherman are the book’s contributing editors, and the authors of the Global Overview (the introduction to the publication) […]

Mar 31, 2021

This article, written for Construction Executive, discusses the three categories of risk (the three Cs) a contractor operating abroad needs to understand. Read the full article here.

Mar 31, 2021

Due to the acceleration of infrastructure projects in the MENA region,’ construction disputes rank first among the disputes arbitrated before arbitral institutions. Construction arbitrations are known to be complex and thus costly and time-consuming. Given the importance of the construction industry in the MENA region, this article will examine the various mechanisms, which can be […]

Nov 24, 2020

A global claim, in its crudest form, alleges that the entire difference between the contractor’s tender price and his actual costs has arisen from a number of breaches by the employer, and makes little or no attempt to link the alleged effects to individual breaches. In the event that the contractor has himself made a […]

Sep 15, 2020

Regional maps of Latin America with COVID-19-related information show a multi-colored tapestry reflecting different impacts from the pandemic and conditions in different countries, not unlike the multiple colors on maps of the United States used to reflect COVID-19-related conditions in various states and regions. This article discusses the similarities and differences between the impacts, responses, […]

Jul 17, 2020

This article provides a useful summary in French on the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Rules on Dispute Boards.

Jul 09, 2020

S’il est un domaine sinistré par la crise, c’est bien la justice ! Le Covid-19 a jeté un cruel coup de projecteur sur son incapacité technique à s’adapter aux contraintes du confinement. Après un hiver marqué par la grève des avocats, la mise sur « pause » des juridictions pendant deux mois a engendré un […]

Jul 03, 2020

The Law Reviews‘ The Projects and Construction Review provides an in-depth analysis of the most important issues relating to projects and construction law practice. Peckar & Abramson’s Robert Peckar and Denis Serkin are the authors of the publication’s “Dispute Resolution in Construction Projects” chapter.

Jul 02, 2020

Christophe Lapp, spécialiste du droit de la Construction, et Pascal Bénédit, président de la section Hauts-de-France de la CFE-CGC BTP, s’interrogent sur l’impact de la crise sanitaire sur la poursuite de l’activité dans le BTP.

Jun 30, 2020

This informative question and answer article for Lexology discusses construction contracts and insurance in the United States.

Jun 24, 2020

« La crise a fait exploser les besoins de droit. Pour les cabinets qui sauront les identifier, ce sera comme découvrir un puits de pétrole au fond de leur jardin. » Thierry Wickers est un incorrigible optimiste. Sans nier les inquiétudes d’une partie de la profession, et, en particulier, de celle dont le malaise s’est […]

Jun 01, 2020

Lexology’s Getting The Deal Through – Construction 2021 provides a comprehensive, multi-jurisdictional review of legal issues affecting contractors and the construction industry. Peckar & Abramson’s Robert Peckar and Michael Zicherman are the book’s editors, and the authors of the United States chapter.

May 29, 2020

Les conséquences de la crise sanitaire actuelle se sont abattues soudainement sur la justice civile, que le Rapport d’étape de la commission des lois du Sénat du 29 avril 2020 sur la mise en œuvre de l’état d’urgence sanitaire décrivait comme à l’arrêt, du fait de plans de continuité d’activité allant au-delà de ce qu’imposeraient […]

May 19, 2020

Les conséquences de la crise sanitaire actuelles se sont abattues soudainement sur la justice civile, que le Rapport d’étape de la commission des lois du Sénat du 29 avril 2020 sur la mise en oeuvre de l’état d’urgence sanitaire décrivait comme à l’arrêt, du fait de plans de continuité d’activité allant au-delà de ce qu’imposeraient […]

Mar 27, 2020

Les échanges entre le gouvernement et les fédérations du BTP ont mis la construction sur le devant de la scène ces derniers jours. Christophe Lapp, avocat associé d’Altana, détaille pour Décideurs les implications de la crise sanitaire sur le droit du secteur et, par extension, sur le marché*.

Aug 28, 2019

Globalization of the construction industry is a reality and one that may afford many U.S. contractors significant profit opportunities abroad. Emerging countries often lack the financial resources required to support needed infrastructure projects. As a result, they rely on export credit agencies, the World Bank, or foreign investors who insist upon reputable construction contractors. U.S. […]

Jun 04, 2019

Guilaume Sauvaget has an extensive experience in the construction industry and worked 25 years as senior in-house legal counsel and as legal manager for major companies in France and internationally (Bouygues, Suez, Colas..).

Dec 02, 2018

Disputes about the meaning of contractual clauses are a common issue on construction projects. This is the case when dealing with bespoke contracts, but even standard forms of contract can give rise to such issues. All the more so in an international context when the parties’ own native languages are not the ones used to […]

Jul 24, 2017

The use and growth of dispute boards internationally has been fueled by the support of many factors and institutions working together. Obviously, the promulgation of dispute board rules by the ICC since 2004 and the support services offered through the ICC International Centre for ADR have been one important contributor to growth and of course […]

Jul 03, 2013

This paper reviews the workings of an alternative dispute resolution mechanism broadly known as a Dispute Board. Dispute Boards are a form of adjudication, or conciliation, featuring a panel of experts named at the outset of the project. The Board visits the job site regularly during construction and keeps current on the project’s progress, even […]